Korean Trends That Need To Die

From Korea, as well as from USA, every year there are many trends; some cute and interesting like the gradient lips but others not so cool as the tank tops over the white t-shirts.
Anyway, today I want to talk about trends that I think must die as soon as possible.


The reason why I don’t like dreadlocks on Asian gyus is very simple: I don’t think this “hair” is suitable for Asian features, in fact sometimes the effect of dreads or braids seems to me very chaotic.

Short bang

I think bangs are really beautiful and able to donate a very adorable and cute look but those that in the last few months go to fashion in Korea I think is a big no.
Here too the motivation is simple: these bangs are able to turn you completely. In a negative way.


I think hats and caps are beautiful when it comes to hair accessories (?) but this hat called basque seems to be too strange. They seem too big a lot of times and that’s exactly why I hate them.


I think velvet is too overvalued. And it is also very complicated to wash because if it is treated badly, it is likely to completely ruin it.

Platform sandals

I’m not a fan of open shoes because I prefer closed shoes. I feel even better not to show my toes.
Honestly speaking, in my opinion, platform sandals are weaker than low sandals.

Fishnet top

Let’s start by saying that I really like the idea of destroyed jeans with fishnet but  I do not like at all shirts made this way.
In my opinion, these shirts reveal too much and it’s like wear just the bra and go around.

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