Dog Meat In South Korea

When one thinks of Asian cuisine, keeping aside the famous and now super inflated Japanese sushi, many tend to associate it with a cuisine rich in foods that are rather atypical, especially because of the use of meat that is not usually used in the western world. Surely, the most controversial is dog meat.

The question then arises spontaneously:

but do the Koreans eat the dog too?

Yes, the answer is simple. In Korea, dog meat is sold and eaten. However, let’s go step by step.

Which dishes can you find?

No, you will not find dog steaks, dog ragu sauces, dog brains, fried dog entrails or other strange dishes, in South Korea, the dog is eaten mainly in the form of soup.

It’s called Boshintang (보신탕) and can be done in different ways. As main ingredients for the broth are mainly Doenjang (bean batter) or Gochujang (chili paste). Various vegetables and spices are then added.
Then there are other dishes that contain this type of meat, but it is still mostly served boiled together with rice.
Attention, do not stop here. There is also the Dog Soju, a medicinal tonic.

Cultural aspects

The consumption of this type of meat has existed in Korea since ancient times. There are ancient drawings in which dogs were slaughtered and this culinary custom is also found in traditional stories.
It is eaten in summer especially in the form of soup, as it is considered a dish that gives virility and energy, it is said to be excellent against the torrid summer temperatures that tend to weaken.

Which races are used?

There are specific breeds that are specially bred to be then sent to the slaughterhouse. The breed usually used is called Nureongi, a typical Korean breed. In some cases, however, dogs are not discriminated against by race, but stray dogs or domestic animals are also used.
There are also cases in which much more expensive breeds are used, such as Labradors, for example, but the prices for dishes with this type of meat are extremely expensive and therefore even less common.

Where the dog restaurants are located

They are usually restaurants that sell traditional Korean cuisine and are mainly found in the countryside, but some are also present in different areas of Seoul, especially the more residential ones and those that are less influenced by Western culture. Usually, it is very difficult to find shops selling dog meat in the main areas, such as Gangnam, Hongdae, Myeongdong etc.
The largest market for dog meat and dogs is called Moran, located in the city of Seongnam, not far from the south of Seoul.

How many Koreans eat dog

The foods based on meat canine are eaten mainly by the older population and it is still a seasonal food, which therefore is not eaten often, but in summer or on special occasions, since it should give “vigor” to those who eat it.
It has been calculated that only 30% of the population has confirmed that they have eaten dog meat at least once in their lifetime, and the percentage drops very much if one counts who eat it regularly.
These statistics with the new generations are strongly decreasing and there are many associations that are fighting for dog rights.
Currently, Korean law does not prohibit the sale of dog meat, but it prohibits slaughter in public and in a violent way.

Since December 2016, the sale of dogs in the aforementioned Moran market has been banned, which alone sold 1/3 of the annual quantity of meat consumed in Korea.
It can, therefore, be said that despite the consumption of dog meat is still a reality on the Korean peninsula, it is also at the same time a custom very challenged by the Koreans themselves, who are the first to fight for the abolition of consumption of this type of meat.

What do you think about the consumption of canine meat in Korea?

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